Financial Calculators

Value of all Homes (£)

Value of Investments (£)

Value of Art, Antiques etc. (£)

Value of Life Insurance (£)

Value of loans owed TO you (£)

Value of Business Assets (£)

Less: Debts owed BY you (£)

Your Results

This is a generic calculation that does not take into account the individuals circumstances, it should not therefore be relied on. It is recommended that you seek tax advice.

The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate Inheritance Tax Planning

Rates and allowances used in this calculator relate to the 2024/25 Tax Year.

UK News

A new commission will conduct the biggest review of the struggling sector since privatisation.
Despite reports of internal rifts all government departments have agreed spending settlements, Reeves says.
The coffee shop chain has also promised to look at pricing and staffing to prevent bottlenecks
The "total loss" of the communications satellite has affected Intelsat customers around the world.
At least 49 people have been sickened and one person has died, according to the CDC.